As coffee has turned from a tasty beverage to a hobby for some, the pursuit of the freshest coffee and the perfect roast seems to be never ending. One great way to create the perfect roast and have fantastic freshness is to roast your own green coffee beans. It may sound difficult, but it is surprisingly easy to get the perfect roast.
There are a lot of different methods out there to create the perfect roast of coffee. Dedicated and expensive machines, oven methods and even a popcorn popper can produce remarkable results.
In the interest of everybody being able to try to roast their own coffee with virtually no entry cost, here we cover the cheapest and one of the easiest ways to roast your own coffee at home. Roasting in a pan.
What You Need
For this method, simple is the aim of the game. This relies on your timing more than the quality of equipment that you use. There are some important pieces of equipment that most people will have in the home already.
- Pan – A cast iron pan is ideal as it provides the best even spread of heat, but if not a cast iron, any pan should do.
- Heat – A gas stove is ideal as heat changes are much quicker. An electric stove can work well too.
- Egg lifter – The beans will need to be stirred and rotated quickly, so a spoon or an egg lifter with a flat front to ensure you can get to all the beans in the corners of the pan is ideal.
- Bowl – A metal colander is ideal as you will need to remove the chaff after roasting. If not a metal colander, any heatproof container will work.
- Beans – Green coffee beans of your choice.
- Ventilation – There will likely be some smoke in this process, so work in a well-ventilated area with a fan running
The process itself is simple. Start by heating your pan to roughly 500 degrees Fahrenheit, or let the heat stabilize on a constant medium high. Once the pan is at temperature, a half cup of beans can be added to the pan. The half cup of beans is variable on your pan size, as long as all the beans are able to make contact with the surface of the pan. We want to get the most even roast as possible, so constantly stir and flip the beans. As they roast, the beans will morph from green to a yellow, golden brown, brown and finally dark brown. Throughout this process you will hear a distinct cracking sound, don’t stress that is just moisture escaping from the beans so you can still relax and play at https://slotscanada.net/ while the process takes place.
Depending on the type of roast you want to achieve, the beans will need to be taken off at different colour stages. Try to shoot for a light brown medium roast at first and modify according to taste for the next batch. Remove the beans and place them in a heatproof container as soon as the desired colour is achieved.